Plant Protection Nutrition


Plant Protection Nutrition

We co-operate with partners in the world to provide farmers best products and minimum cost per ha. solutions.

Main Products :

Aluminium Phosphide 56% Tab

Phenmedipham +Desmedipham  +Ethofumesate 60 +60+60 SC

Nicosulfuron 400 g/l

Tebuconazole 250 g/l EC


Clomazone 408 g/l SC

Mancozeb + Dimetomorph 640 g/kg WP

Gylphosate 400 g/l SL

Imazamox 40 g/l SL

Haloxyfop Methy 104 g/l  EC

Bentazon 480 g/l

Prometrin 500 g/l SC

Alfacypermethrin 100 g/l EC

Chlorpyrifos + Cypermethrin  500 +50  SC

Propiconazole+ Cyproconazole 250 +80 g/l EC

Flutriafol 250 g/l SC

Zinc Phosphide 80% ( Public Health)

Permethrin 5% SG

Adjuvants : Effective to increase efficacy by 25%  of pesticides



Active ingredients: We supply active ingredients.

Toll formulations: We do toll formulations.

Warehouse: We stock plant protection products.

Main Products :

Aluminium Phosphide 56% Tab

Phenmedipham +Desmedipham  +Ethofumesate 60 +60+60 SC

Nicosulfuron 400 g/l

Tebuconazole 250 g/l EC